Great hardware, but you should be aware, that a 7-color display can't have the same display quality for pictures as a LCD display. But you don't need a power supply and for displaying text in one of the 7 colors or text with a background image it is perfect. I use it as an electronic calendar with a picture refresh every 12 hours which, I think, is a perfect use for the PhotoPainter. The original firmware only supports 100 pictures, so it is unusable for this purpose. But because it is open source, it is no problem to modify it. I use fixed names for the pictures, so now it can handle up to 90000 pictures. You can download the modified version from h t t p : / / o n l i b . d e / p u b / P h o t o P a i n t e r / (remove all spaces from the link) . There is also software to generate the calendar pictures.