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Wireless Video Console For SNES GAME
A:Please adjust one handle to P1 and the other gamepad to P2.
Q:How to quit the game?
A: Please press [SELECT + START] at the same time that will display the menu with "Quit " selection.
Q: Can I save or download new games?
A: Supported. Each game supports 5 game archives. Click SELECT+START in the game to enter the game menu. You can also download more snes or nes games to the memory card (ROM) folder.
Q: Can all the games or downloaded games in the game console be played normally?
A: Due to the development of the simulator for SFC at several generations, many different versions of games appear on the Internet. Due to the existing technology, it is still not possible to make one simulator adapt to all games. We currently have 95% game compatibility of our game consoles, but there are still about 5% of games that may not be perfectly compatible, may not be able to open, or there is a game console that does not support you, or it is very stuck after opening. These are all normal phenomena. Generally, you can download other versions of the game. Hope to understand.
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