New Brand Child tricycle High quality swivel seat child tricycle bicycle baby stroller BMX Baby Car Bike
Payment: Payment is Escrow and Alipayno Aliexpress site, 100% secure payment in here. You make the Aliexpress payment company, and when you receive the product, they can release the money to the store owner.
Customs Burden (Import Tax):
It may has Import Tax. Paying taxes is the duty of every citizen,When you placing an order, please tell us how much you need to note on package.
If you don't leave a message,We will write a Suitable Value. (Russia is tax free)
Model A is Foam Wheel.
Model B is Anti-Explosion Wheel.
Model C is Seat Rotatable.
Model D is for 2 Years old above.
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4 avis 21 vendu
Nouvelle marque enfant tricycle haute qualité siège pivotant enfant tricycle vélo bébé buggy poussette BMX bébé voiture vélo